Setting Intentions

We are all acutely aware that the end of the year is an arbitrary demarcation. That nothing miraculously is different when that clock strikes midnight. That the change from December 31st to January 1st doesn’t mean much more than a new tax year and a need for a new planner. But the draw to ‘new beginnings’ and a ‘fresh start’ is so profound that we have created a whole culture around the “New Year” including, in true American fashion - an excuse for binge drinking and the inadvertent perpetuation of diet culture, thinly veiled as New Year’s Resolutions.

Maybe this is a somewhat negative view brought on by too much work throughout the Holiday season this year BUT, despite that somewhat jaded view, I do love this time of year!  I have really tried to make the most of it in the last two years in terms of identifying what is important to me, setting big goals, and outlining action steps. Arbitrary or not, this “end” is a great excuse to reflect on what has transpired over the last year. My focus this end-of-year has been on what went right in 2018. What do I think went well and why? What accomplishments am I proud of? What worked for me and motivated me? Ultimately focusing on the positive rather than the negative. I, like many of us, often struggle to acknowledge and sit with accomplishments and find myself,  in the same sentence or even thought, revert to analyzing the “failures” While reflecting on what didn’t go well can be helpful, to learn from the past and apply to the future, more often than not that sort of thought pattern leads me into a slippery spiral of self deprecation. So that aspect of reflection if often more inhibitory than helpful, which is why I’ve decided to skip that part for now!

I have had a lot of fun over the last few weeks brainstorming everything I’m passionate about and thrilled to invest time and energy into this coming year. There. Are. So. Very. Many. Things. I’ve literally just been making list after list of everything from very specific goals to much broader intentions.

Do you choose to use the end of the year to reflect and set intentions or goals? Why or why not? Do you have a process or method or style that works well for you?  Last year I utilized a helpful guide from Nicole Antoinette (who I’m obsessed with!) which worked really well for narrowing down and focusing goals. A new friend (Marybeth of LivingWells, LLC) is also putting out an intention setting guide (for free!) this year that I plan to utilize - click here to visit her website to sign up! This year i’ve elected to set a few intentions of how I want to feel, act and spend my energy this coming year which is inspired from another favorite woman of mine to follow on IG - Laura Hughes (of the Women On The Road podcast). This is a little bit different from specific goal setting (which I also plan to do) but I thought it would be fun to share these intentions with you all. I’ve chosen two words that I want to embody and focus my energy on this year. 


This year I want to be...

INQUISITIVE - given to examination or investigation

Read all the things. Listen to all of the things. Self-educate on matters such as white supremacy, intersectional feminism, body politics, etc. Learn from and listen to others on these matters and more (and make sure those educators are paid!). Seek to open dialogue and ask questions and almost as importantly, to listen to differing opinions.

ACTIVE - characterized by action rather than by contemplation or speculation; a thing done.

Move my body often, more frequently, and in new ways. Move in ways that bring me joy, that push my limits, that might be difficult. Don’t just talk about something but do the damn thing! Take action steps to reach my goals. Don’t avoid hard things. Turn ideas into reality. Be active in the community, in politica, in my relationships, in my feelings. HUSTLE.



Truthfully, I’ll probably write and post these somewhere in my house or make a graphic to print out as a reminder. The thing about intentions and goals is you can’t just set them and never think about them again. You have to remind yourself often and reflect more frequently. I plan to implement a quarterly reflection period similar to what I’m doing here (but less public) to evaluate progress and reassess. I will even put it directly into my calendar as a scheduled item! It can be helpful to reflect each day or even each week. Finding out what works for you can take time and experimentation - but is worth the effort to achieve your goals!

Happy New Year Everyone. I hope everyone had a safe new years evening spent in whatever way felt right for you. Whether you have big plans this year or are just hoping to make it through each day, I hope you are all surrounded by family and friends and love. I’d love to hear about your intention and goal setting practices for 2019. What has worked for you in the past and what hasn’t? What do you hope to accomplish this year, what are your plans? Leave a comment below or on IG! <3


KatieGoals, new year1 Comment